Road trip to Destination: Blow my mind away
/Hi again. It’s me-Cece. Your official tour guide on the road trip we are about to embark on through the once in a lifetime (well once in a year really, but hold on, we’re going somewhere with this) experience which is the 2016 Tedx event hosted by our beloved school, The University of Tulsa. So since all the salutations are done and I’ve pretty much explained what the topic is about and all, now all the fun begins.
Now one of the main reasons why I believe that although this event is an annual occasion, this year’s will be one of those ‘once in a lifetime events’ is the Rock Star speaker line up that we have this year. And trust me I’m not just saying this! I mean the line up includes extraordinary engineers, some who are about to pursue research in computational biology and bio informatics, others have interests in lightweight materials for automotive applications and in devices for people with disabilities and still others are working on developing a new type of solar energy that produces both heat and electricity. Excuse my bias for the engineers, it’s due to the fact that I am one myself ;-).
On the line up are also award winning entrepreneurs who juggle being slayers in their careers with being mothers; Art professionals who have their careers vested in the Science of Museums. And still yet, we have TU students, some who cannot be convinced that reading whilst on walking in the sidewalk is a dangerous act, and others who’s childhood experiences has taught them great compassion and understanding for those suffering from novel medical conditions.
Not forgetting the amazing performances we have lined up. I’m especially curious to see these and how they speak to our ambiguous yet exciting theme: Truth and Dare.
I haven’t even heard or seen any of these amazing peeps in action before, but I’m pretty sure that the combination of all of their greatness together in one room will definitely lead to a mental explosion of whoever is within the audience. So I hope you are holding on tight, because Destination: Blow my mind away, here we come!