Speaker Spotlight: Dr. Kathy Campbell

Kathy M. Campbell PharmD, Owner of Medicap Pharmacy

“Understanding that obesity is simply the symptom to a greater problem is integral in creating a healthier, happier society”

websites www.drkathy.com. DrKathyweightloss.com.

Kathy M. Campbell, PharmD, received her BS in Zoology and BS in Pharmacy from the University of Oklahoma in 1992. She completed her Doctorate of Pharmacy from the University of Oklahoma in 2005 and has been a practicing clinical community pharmacist continually since 1992. Together with her husband Royce, Dr. Campbell has owned and operated Medicap Pharmacy in Owasso, OK since 2001. Dr. Campbell currently practices as an appointment-based clinical pharmacist and has successfully developed and implemented the lifestyle and weight loss program, The primary focus of Dr. Campbell’s practice is assisting patients in not needing pharmaceuticals and if needed, in optimizing their use. Dr. Kathy is committed to supporting individuals’ great lives by coaching them in creating a culture that produces health.

Kathy’s Talk: Obesity, The Modern Symptom