Speaker Spotlight: Nathan Hutchins, Alison Kerr, Sarah Otto
/Another talk consisting of three speakers will address self-driving vehicles!
Nathan Hutchins (Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from The University of Tulsa), Alison Kerr (completing a Ph.D. in industrial-organizational psychology at The University of Tulsa), and Sarah Otto (BSBA in Accounting and Computer Information Systems at the University of Tulsa) unite to form an interdisciplinary research team unlike any they have ever known. Their research is focused on understanding what influences people’s attitudes towards and acceptance of autonomous vehicles. The team supported Nathan’s dissertation research which included the development and preliminary testing of a model and measure of the aspects people care when it comes to self-driving cars. Their most recent work includes using virtual reality simulation to further assess participant reactions to a variety driving scenarios in which a self-driving car makes all decisions. The goal of their work is to inform the development of self-driving cars with respect to user interface, ethical considerations, and regulatory concerns. Over this last year, they have presented at several conferences and are currently preparing journal papers for publication.
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